Functorial relationships between QH(G/B) and QH(G/P)

Conan Leung Chinese Univ of HK Changzheng Li KIAS


Journal of Differential Geometry, 86, 303-354, 2010
We give a natural filtration F on QH(G/B), which respects the quantum product structure. Its associated graded algebra GrF(QH(G/B)) is isomorphic to the tensor product of QH(G/P) and a corresponding graded algebra of QH(P/B) after localization. When the quantum parameter goes to zero, this specializes to the filtration on H(G/B) from the Leray spectral sequence associated to the fibration P/B -> G/B −> G/P.
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  title={Functorial relationships between QH(G/B) and QH(G/P)},
  author={Conan Leung, and Changzheng Li},
  booktitle={Journal of Differential Geometry},
Conan Leung, and Changzheng Li. Functorial relationships between QH(G/B) and QH(G/P). 2010. Vol. 86. In Journal of Differential Geometry. pp.303-354.
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