Moduli of bundles over rational surfaces and elliptic curves II: Nonsimply laced cases

Conan Leung Chinese Univ of HK Jiajin Zhang Sichuen University


IMRN, 24, 4597-4625, 2009
For any nonsimply laced Lie group G and elliptic curve , we show that the moduli space of flat G bundles over  can be identified with the moduli space of rational surfaces with G-configurations which contain  as an anticanonical curve. We also construct Lie(G)-bundles over these surfaces. The corresponding results for simply laced groups were obtained by the authors in another paper. Thus, we have established a natural identification for these two kinds of moduli spaces for any Lie group G.
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  title={Moduli of bundles over rational surfaces and elliptic curves II: Nonsimply laced cases},
  author={Conan Leung, and Jiajin Zhang},
Conan Leung, and Jiajin Zhang. Moduli of bundles over rational surfaces and elliptic curves II: Nonsimply laced cases. 2009. Vol. 24. In IMRN. pp.4597-4625.
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