High resolution WENO simulation of 3D detonation waves

Cheng Wang Beijing Institute of Technology Chi-Wang Shu Brown University Wenhu Han Beijing Institute of Technology Jianguo Ning Beijing Institute of Technology

Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing mathscidoc:1610.25064

Combustion and Flame, 160, 447-462, 2013
In this paper, we develop a three-dimensional parallel solver using the fifth order high-resolution weighted essentially non-oscillatory (WENO) finite difference scheme to perform extensive simulation for three-dimensional gaseousdetonations. A careful study is conducted for the propagation modes of three-dimensional gaseous detonation wave-front structures in a long square duct. The numerical results indicate that, the instability of detonation, overdrive factor, transverse dimension and initial perturbation are the main factors that influence the appearance of spinning detonation.
high order WENO finite difference scheme; cellular structure; unstable detonation; spinning detonation; rectangular mode; diagonal mode
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  title={High resolution WENO simulation of 3D detonation waves},
  author={Cheng Wang, Chi-Wang Shu, Wenhu Han, and Jianguo Ning},
  booktitle={Combustion and Flame},
Cheng Wang, Chi-Wang Shu, Wenhu Han, and Jianguo Ning. High resolution WENO simulation of 3D detonation waves. 2013. Vol. 160. In Combustion and Flame. pp.447-462. http://archive.ymsc.tsinghua.edu.cn/pacm_paperurl/20161012102305517816182.
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