401 paper(s) uploaded by admin.

Index Title Upload Time Modified Time

Deforming symplectomorphisms of complex projective spaces by the mean curvature flow

Ivana Medo Columbia University Mu-Tao Wang Columbia University

Differential Geometry mathscidoc:1609.10210

Journal of Differential Geometry, 87, (2), 309-341, 2011
[ Download ] [ 2016-09-12 07:09:19 uploaded by admin ] [ 714 downloads ] [ 0 comments ] [ Cited by 5 ] [ Abstract ] [ Full ]
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2016-09-12 07:09:19 2017-02-24 14:56:53

Closed magnetic geodesics on $S^2$

Matthias Schneider Ruprecht-Karls-Universit¨at

Differential Geometry mathscidoc:1609.10211

Journal of Differential Geometry, 87, (2), 343-388, 2011
[ Download ] [ 2016-09-12 07:11:22 uploaded by admin ] [ 1361 downloads ] [ 0 comments ] [ Abstract ] [ Full ]
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2016-09-12 07:11:22 2017-02-24 14:53:17

The twisted higher harmonic signature for foliations

Moulay-Tahar Benameur Universit´e Paul Verlaine-Metz James L. Heitsch Northwestern University

Differential Geometry mathscidoc:1609.10212

Journal of Differential Geometry, 87, (3), 389-467, 2011
[ Download ] [ 2016-09-12 07:13:17 uploaded by admin ] [ 623 downloads ] [ 0 comments ] [ Cited by 4 ] [ Abstract ] [ Full ]
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2016-09-12 07:13:17 2017-02-24 14:53:26

On the discreteness of the spectrum of the laplacian on noncompact riemannian manifolds

Andrea Cianchi Universit`a di Firenze Vladimir Maz’ya Link¨oping University

Differential Geometry mathscidoc:1609.10213

Journal of Differential Geometry, 87, (3), 469-491, 2011
[ Download ] [ 2016-09-12 07:15:11 uploaded by admin ] [ 710 downloads ] [ 0 comments ] [ Cited by 4 ] [ Abstract ] [ Full ]
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2016-09-12 07:15:11 2017-02-24 14:53:33

Rigid and non-smoothable schubert classes

Izzet Coskun University of Illinois at Chicago

Differential Geometry mathscidoc:1609.10214

Journal of Differential Geometry, 87, (3), 493-514, 2011
[ Download ] [ 2016-09-12 07:16:15 uploaded by admin ] [ 559 downloads ] [ 0 comments ] [ Cited by 13 ] [ Abstract ] [ Full ]
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2016-09-12 07:16:15 2017-02-24 14:53:43

Axial minimal surfaces in $s^2 x r$ are helicoidal

David Hoffman Stanford University Brian White Stanford University

Differential Geometry mathscidoc:1609.10215

Journal of Differential Geometry, 87, (3), 515-523, 2011
[ Download ] [ 2016-09-12 07:25:25 uploaded by admin ] [ 662 downloads ] [ 0 comments ] [ Cited by 3 ] [ Abstract ] [ Full ]
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2016-09-12 07:25:25 2017-02-24 14:53:52

Infinitesimal rigidity of cone-manifolds and the stoker problem for hyperbolic and euclidean polyhedra

Rafe Mazzeo Stanford Gr´egoire Montcouquiol Univ Paris-Sud

Differential Geometry mathscidoc:1609.10216

Journal of Differential Geometry, 87, (3), 525-576, 2011
[ Download ] [ 2016-09-12 07:29:36 uploaded by admin ] [ 863 downloads ] [ 0 comments ] [ Abstract ] [ Full ]
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2016-09-12 07:29:36 2017-02-24 14:54:00

Generalized witten genus and vanishing theorems

Qingtao Chen University of Southern California Fei Han National University of Singapore Weiping Zhang Nankai University

Differential Geometry mathscidoc:1609.10217

Journal of Differential Geometry, 88, (1), 1-39, 2011
[ Download ] [ 2016-09-12 07:38:47 uploaded by admin ] [ 583 downloads ] [ 0 comments ] [ Cited by 5 ] [ Abstract ] [ Full ]
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2016-09-12 07:38:47 2017-02-24 14:54:09

Half-space theorems for minimal surfaces in $Nil_3$ and $Sol_3$

Benoıt Daniel, Universit´e Paris-Est William H. Meeks, University of Massachusetts Harold Rosenberg Instituto Nacional de Matem´atica Pura e Aplicada

Differential Geometry mathscidoc:1609.10218

Journal of Differential Geometry, 88, (1), 41-59, 2011
[ Download ] [ 2016-09-12 07:41:58 uploaded by admin ] [ 849 downloads ] [ 0 comments ] [ Cited by 3 ] [ Abstract ] [ Full ]
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2016-09-12 07:41:58 2017-02-24 14:54:16

Moduli spaces of polarized symplectic o’grady varieties and borcherds products

Valery Gritsenko Laboratoire Paul Painlev´e Klaus Hulek Leibniz Universit¨at Hannover Gregory K. Sankaran University of Bath

Differential Geometry mathscidoc:1609.10219

Journal of Differential Geometry, 88, (1), 61-85, 2011
[ Download ] [ 2016-09-12 07:44:00 uploaded by admin ] [ 703 downloads ] [ 0 comments ] [ Cited by 1 ] [ Abstract ] [ Full ]
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2016-09-12 07:44:00 2017-02-24 14:54:25
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