Moduli of bundles over rational surfaces and elliptic curves I: Simply laced cases

Conan Leung Chinese Univ of HK Jiajin Zhang Sichuen University


Journal of LMS, 80, 750-770, 2009
It is well known that del Pezzo surfaces of degree 9 − n one-to-one correspond to flat En bundles over an elliptic curve. In this paper, we construct ADE-bundles over a broader class of rational surfaces that we call ADE-surfaces, and extend the above correspondence to all flat G-bundles over an elliptic curve, where G is any simply laced, simple, compact and simply connected Lie group. In what follows, we will construct G-bundles for a non-simply laced Lie group G over these rational surfaces, and extend the above correspondence to non-simply laced cases.
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  title={Moduli of bundles over rational surfaces and elliptic curves I: Simply laced cases},
  author={Conan Leung, and Jiajin Zhang},
  booktitle={Journal of LMS},
Conan Leung, and Jiajin Zhang. Moduli of bundles over rational surfaces and elliptic curves I: Simply laced cases. 2009. Vol. 80. In Journal of LMS. pp.750-770.
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