On the conjecture O of GGI for G/P

Daewoong Cheong Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology Changzheng Li Sun Yat-Sen University


In this paper, we show that general homogeneous manifolds G/P satisfy Conjecture O of Galkin, Golyshev and Iritani which `underlies' Gamma conjectures I and II of them. Our main tools are the quantum Chevalley formula for G/P and a theory on nonnegative matrices including Perron-Frobenius theorem.
Conjecture O. Homogeneous varieties. Quantum cohomology. Perron-Frobenius theorem.
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  • to appear in Advances in Mathematics
  title={On the conjecture O of GGI for G/P},
  author={Daewoong Cheong, and Changzheng Li},
Daewoong Cheong, and Changzheng Li. On the conjecture O of GGI for G/P. http://archive.ymsc.tsinghua.edu.cn/pacm_paperurl/20161211172826965555685.
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