Liouville properties for p-harmonic maps with finite q-energy

Jui-Tang Chen National Taiwan Normal University Shu-Cheng Chang National Taiwan University Shihshu Walter Wei University of Oklahoma

Differential Geometry mathscidoc:1701.10019

Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 368, (2), 787–825, 2016.2
We introduce and study an approximate solution of the p-Laplace equation, and a linearlization L_{ε} of a perturbed p-Laplace operator. By deriving an L_{ε}-type Bochner's formula and Kato type inequalities, we prove a Liouville type theorem for weakly p-harmonic functions with finite p-energy on a complete noncompact manifold M which supports a weighted Poincaré inequality and satisfies a curvature assumption. This nonexistence result, when combined with an existence theorem, yields in turn some information on topology, i.e. such an M has at most one p-hyperbolic end. Moreover, we prove a Liouville type theorem for strongly p-harmonic functions with finite q-energy on Riemannian manifolds. As an application, we extend this theorem to some p-harmonic maps such as p-harmonic morphisms and conformal maps between Riemannian manifolds. In particular, we obtain a Picard-type Theorem for p-harmonic morphisms.
p-harmonic map, weakly p-harmonic function, perturbed p-Laplace operator, p-hyperbolic end, Liouville type properties
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  title={Liouville properties for p-harmonic maps with finite q-energy},
  author={Jui-Tang Chen, Shu-Cheng Chang, and Shihshu Walter Wei},
  booktitle={Transactions of the American Mathematical Society},
Jui-Tang Chen, Shu-Cheng Chang, and Shihshu Walter Wei. Liouville properties for p-harmonic maps with finite q-energy. 2016. Vol. 368. In Transactions of the American Mathematical Society. pp.787–825.
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