Strong semismoothness of Fischer-Burmeister complementarity function associated with symmetric cone

Yu-Lin Chang Jein-Shan Chen Shaohua Pan

Optimization and Control mathscidoc:1910.43914

Preprint, 2009
We provide an affirmative answer to an question that the Fischer-Burmeister complementarity function associated with symmetric cones, named the FB SC complementarity function, is globally Lipschitz continuous and strongly semismooth everywhere for Hn and Qn. This is achieved with the help of embedding Hn and Qn into certain Sm.
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  title={Strong semismoothness of Fischer-Burmeister complementarity function associated with symmetric cone},
  author={Yu-Lin Chang, Jein-Shan Chen, and Shaohua Pan},
Yu-Lin Chang, Jein-Shan Chen, and Shaohua Pan. Strong semismoothness of Fischer-Burmeister complementarity function associated with symmetric cone. 2009. In Preprint.
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