On Nonlinear Matrix Equations from the First Standard Form

Changli Liu Sichuan University Jungong Xue Fudan University Ren-Cang Li The University of Texas at Arlington

Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing Numerical Linear Algebra mathscidoc:2309.26002

Annals of Mathematical Sciences and Applications, 7, (2), 169-191, 2022.6
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First standard form, SF1, nonnegative matrix, M-matrix, minimal nonnegative solution, doubling algorithm
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  title={On Nonlinear Matrix Equations from the First Standard Form},
  author={Changli Liu, Jungong Xue, and Ren-Cang Li},
  booktitle={Annals of Mathematical Sciences and Applications},
Changli Liu, Jungong Xue, and Ren-Cang Li. On Nonlinear Matrix Equations from the First Standard Form. 2022. Vol. 7. In Annals of Mathematical Sciences and Applications. pp.169-191. http://archive.ymsc.tsinghua.edu.cn/pacm_paperurl/20230925011321487423760.
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