Study on the Problem of the Number Ring Transformation

Meng-yuan Yan Nanjing JinLing High School Xin-yun Rong Nanjing JinLing High School Xin Zheng Nanjing JinLing High School

S.-T. Yau High School Science Awarded Papers mathscidoc:1608.35017

A topic for study derives from an interesting problem on the internet.Some significative conclusions about the problem of number ring transformation are made in the paper. Firstly, an assumption that a given starting number ring could be transformed to the end ring in finite degree is proved. Secondly, transformation degree is proved to be unconcerned with the order of the transformation. Furthermore, a function of computing transformation degree is worked out. Finally, the same end ring is gained with a given starting number ring transformed in different sequence.
Number Ring, End Ring, Transformation Sequence,Transformation Degree
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  title={Study on the Problem of the Number Ring Transformation},
  author={Meng-yuan Yan, Xin-yun Rong, and Xin Zheng},
Meng-yuan Yan, Xin-yun Rong, and Xin Zheng. Study on the Problem of the Number Ring Transformation. 2009.
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