The Analysis and Application of an Integrated Obesity Index Based on Basic Physical Examination

Jiaming CUI Nanjing Foreign Language School Yingzhijie WANG Nanjing Foreign Language School Zinan WANG Nanjing Foreign Language School

S.-T. Yau High School Science Awarded Papers mathscidoc:1608.35143

Dongrun-Yau Science Award, 2013
This paper proposes an Integrated Obesity Index (IOI) based on height, weight, waist, and hip, physical indexes that can be accessed through regular physical examinations, on top of common obesity standards, including Body Mass Index (BMI), Waist‐Hip Ratio (WHR), and Body Fat Percentage (BFP). Integrated Obesity Index is aimed to be feasible and convenient under application, as well as comprehensive, compensating for the limitations of existing classifications of obesity. Thus, this paper proposes and examines the application formula of the IOI by establishing geometric models. Adopting the data from epidemiological survey, this papers brings physical indicators, gender, BFP and other variables into the model for data analysis, applies linear regression on the resulting images, and obtains the IOI cut‐off point. By conducting comprehensive data analyses to various obesity classifications, the paper demonstrates that the IOI has significant advantages over BMI, WHP, or BFP and will compensate for the deficiencies of the existing obesity classifications to a certain extent in application.
Physical Indexes, Obesity Index, Geometric Model, Linear Regression, Data Analysis, Probability
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  title={The Analysis and Application of an Integrated Obesity Index Based on Basic Physical Examination},
  author={Jiaming CUI, Yingzhijie WANG, and Zinan WANG},
  booktitle={Dongrun-Yau Science Award},
Jiaming CUI, Yingzhijie WANG, and Zinan WANG. The Analysis and Application of an Integrated Obesity Index Based on Basic Physical Examination. 2013. In Dongrun-Yau Science Award.
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