Solving Large-Scale Nonsymmetric Algebraic Riccati Equations by Doubling

Tiexiang Li Southeast University ERIC KING-WAH CHU Monash University YUEH-CHENG KUO National University of Kaohsiung WEN-WEI LIN National Chiao Tung University

Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing mathscidoc:1608.25001

Distinguished Paper Award in 2017

SIAM J Matrix Analysis and Applications, 34, (3), 2013
We consider the solution of the large-scale nonsymmetric algebraic Riccati equation XCX − XD − AX + B = 0, with M ≡ [D,−C;−B,A] ∈ R(n1+n2)×(n1+n2) being a nonsingular M-matrix. In addition, A and D are sparselike, with the products A−1u, A−⊤u, D−1v, and D−⊤v computable in O(n) complexity (with n = max{n1, n2}), for some vectors u and v, and B, C are low ranked. The structure-preserving doubling algorithms (SDA) by Guo, Lin, and Xu [Numer. Math., 103 (2006), pp. 392–412] is adapted, with the appropriate applications of the Sherman–Morrison– Woodbury formula and the sparse-plus-low-rank representations of various iterates. The resulting large-scale doubling algorithm has an O(n) computational complexity and memory requirement per iteration and converges essentially quadratically. A detailed error analysis, on the effects of truncation of iterates with an explicit forward error bound for the approximate solution from the SDA, and some numerical results will be presented.
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  title={Solving Large-Scale Nonsymmetric Algebraic Riccati Equations by Doubling},
  author={Tiexiang Li, ERIC KING-WAH CHU, YUEH-CHENG KUO, and WEN-WEI LIN},
  booktitle={SIAM J Matrix Analysis and Applications},
Tiexiang Li, ERIC KING-WAH CHU, YUEH-CHENG KUO, and WEN-WEI LIN. Solving Large-Scale Nonsymmetric Algebraic Riccati Equations by Doubling. 2013. Vol. 34. In SIAM J Matrix Analysis and Applications.
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