Deforming symplectomorphisms of complex projective spaces by the mean curvature

Ivana Medos Columbia University Mu-Tao Wang Columbia University

Differential Geometry mathscidoc:1608.10043

Journal of Differential Geometry , 87, (2), 309-342, 2011
We apply the mean curvature flow to deform symplectomorphisms of $\mathbb{CP}^n$. In particular, we prove that, for each dimension $n$, there exists a constant , explicitly computable, such that anypinched symplectomorphism of $\mathbb{CP}^n$ is symplectically isotopic to a biholomorphic isometry.
mean curvature flow, anypinched symplectomorphism, biholomorphic isometry
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  title={Deforming symplectomorphisms of complex projective spaces by the mean curvature },
  author={Ivana Medos, and Mu-Tao Wang},
  booktitle={Journal of Differential Geometry },
Ivana Medos, and Mu-Tao Wang. Deforming symplectomorphisms of complex projective spaces by the mean curvature . 2011. Vol. 87. In Journal of Differential Geometry . pp.309-342.
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