Structure Recovery by Part Assembly

CHao-Hui Shen Tsinghua University Hongbo Fu City University of Hong Kong Kang Chen Tsinghua University Shi-Min Hu Tsinghua University

Geometric Modeling and Processing mathscidoc:1608.16045

ACM Transactions on Graphics, 31, (6), 180, 2012.12
This work presents a technique that allows quick conversion of acquired low-quality data from consumer-level scanning devices to high-quality 3D models with labeled semantic parts and meanwhile their assembly reasonably close to the underlying geometry. This is achieved by a novel structure recovery approach that is essentially local to global and bottom up, enabling the creation of new structures by assembling existing labeled parts with respect to the acquired data. We demonstrate that using only a small-scale shape repository, our part assembly approach is able to faithfully recover a variety of high-level structures from only a single-view scan of man-made objects acquired by the Kinect system, containing a highly noisy, incomplete 3D point cloud and a corresponding RGB image.
Geometric Modeling, structure recovery, 3D point cloud
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  title={Structure Recovery by Part Assembly },
  author={CHao-Hui Shen, Hongbo Fu, Kang Chen, and Shi-Min Hu},
  booktitle={ACM Transactions on Graphics},
CHao-Hui Shen, Hongbo Fu, Kang Chen, and Shi-Min Hu. Structure Recovery by Part Assembly . 2012. Vol. 31. In ACM Transactions on Graphics. pp.180.
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