Hamiltonian stationary shrinkers and expanders for Lagrangian mean curvature

Yng-Ing Lee National Taiwan University, Mu-Tao Wang Columbia University

Differential Geometry mathscidoc:1608.10052

Journal of Differential Geometry , 83, (1), 27-42, 2009
We construct examples of shrinkers and expanders for Lagrangian mean curvature flows. These examples are Hamiltonian stationary and asymptotic to the union of two Hamiltonian stationary cones found by Schoen and Wolfson in [SW]. The Schoen-Wolfson cones $ C_{p,q}$ are obstructions to the existence problems of special Lagrangians or Lagrangian minimal surfaces in the variational approach. It is known that these cone singularities cannot be resolved by any smooth oriented Lagrangian submanifolds. The shrinkers and expanders that we found can be glued together to yield solutions of the Brakke motion - a weak formulation of the mean curvature flow. For any coprime pair$ (p, q)$ other than (2, 1), we construct such a solution that re- solves any single Schoen-Wolfson cone $ C_{p,q}$. This thus provides an evidence to Schoen-Wolfson’s conjecture that the (2, 1) cone is the only area-minimizing cone. Higher dimensional generalizations are also obtained.
Lagrangian mean curvature, mean curvature flow, Hamiltonian stationary shrinkers and expanders
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  title={Hamiltonian stationary shrinkers and expanders for Lagrangian mean curvature },
  author={Yng-Ing Lee, and Mu-Tao Wang},
  booktitle={Journal of Differential Geometry },
Yng-Ing Lee, and Mu-Tao Wang. Hamiltonian stationary shrinkers and expanders for Lagrangian mean curvature . 2009. Vol. 83. In Journal of Differential Geometry . pp.27-42. http://archive.ymsc.tsinghua.edu.cn/pacm_paperurl/20160821162454404526363.
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