Topology Repair of Solid Models Using Skeletons

Qian-Yi Zhou Tsinghua University Tao Ju Washington University in St. Louis Shi-Min Hu Tsinghua University

Geometric Modeling and Processing mathscidoc:1608.16056

IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 13, (4), 675-685 , 2007
We present a method for repairing topological errors on solid models in the form of small surface handles, which often arise from surface reconstruction algorithms. We utilize a skeleton representation that offers a new mechanism for identifying and measuring handles. Our method presents two unique advantages over previous approaches. First, handle removal is guaranteed not to introduce invalid geometry or additional handles. Second, by using an adaptive grid structure, our method is capable of processing huge models efficiently at high resolutions.
Topology repair, skeleton, thinning, octree
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  title={Topology Repair of Solid Models Using Skeletons},
  author={Qian-Yi Zhou, Tao Ju, and Shi-Min Hu},
  booktitle={IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics},
  pages={675-685 },
Qian-Yi Zhou, Tao Ju, and Shi-Min Hu. Topology Repair of Solid Models Using Skeletons. 2007. Vol. 13. In IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics. pp.675-685 .
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