A Marching Method for Computing Intersection Curves of Two Subdivision Solids

Xu-Ping Zhu Tsinghua University Shi-Min Hu Tsinghua University Chiew-Lan Tai Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Ralph R Martin Cardiff University

Geometric Modeling and Processing mathscidoc:1608.16062

Mathematics of Srufaces, 11, 458-471, 2005
This paper presents a marching method for computing intersection curves between two solids represented by subdivision surfaces of Catmull-Clark or Loop type. It can be used in trimming and boolean operations for subdivision surfaces. The main idea is to apply a marching method with geometric interpretation to trace the intersection curves. We first determine all intersecting regions, then find pairs of initial intersection points, and trace the intersection curves from the initial intersection points. Various examples are given to demonstrate the robustness and efficiency of our algorithm.
Subdivision Solids, Intersection Curves
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  title={A Marching Method for Computing Intersection Curves of Two Subdivision Solids},
  author={Xu-Ping Zhu, Shi-Min Hu, Chiew-Lan Tai, and Ralph R Martin},
  booktitle={Mathematics of Srufaces},
Xu-Ping Zhu, Shi-Min Hu, Chiew-Lan Tai, and Ralph R Martin. A Marching Method for Computing Intersection Curves of Two Subdivision Solids. 2005. Vol. 11. In Mathematics of Srufaces. pp.458-471. http://archive.ymsc.tsinghua.edu.cn/pacm_paperurl/20160825094956474364441.
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