Approximate merging of B-Spline curves via knot adjustment and constrained optimization

Chiew-Lan Tai The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Shi-Min Hu Tsinghua University Qixing Huang Tsinghua University

Geometric Modeling and Processing mathscidoc:1608.16068

Computer Aided Design, 35, (10), 893 - 899, 2003
This paper addresses the problem of approximate merging of two adjacent B-spline curves into one B-spline curve. The basic idea of the approach is to find the conditions for precise merging of two B-spline curves, and perturb the control points of the curves by constrained optimization subject to satisfying these conditions. To obtain a merged curve without superfluous knots, we present a new knot adjustment algorithm for adjusting the end k knots of a kth order B-spline curve without changing its shape. The more general problem of merging curves to pass through some target points is also discussed.
Approximate merging, B-Spline curves, knot adjustment
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  title={Approximate merging of B-Spline curves via knot adjustment and constrained optimization},
  author={Chiew-Lan Tai, Shi-Min Hu, and Qixing Huang},
  booktitle={Computer Aided Design},
  pages={893 - 899},
Chiew-Lan Tai, Shi-Min Hu, and Qixing Huang. Approximate merging of B-Spline curves via knot adjustment and constrained optimization. 2003. Vol. 35. In Computer Aided Design. pp.893 - 899.
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