Two accelerating techniques for 3D reconstruction

Liu Shi-Xia Tsinghua University Shi-Min Hu Tsinghua University Sun Jiaguang Tsinghua University

Geometric Modeling and Processing mathscidoc:1608.16071

Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 17, (3), 362-368, 2002
Automatic reconstruction of 3D objects from 2D orthographic views has been a major research issue in CAD/CAM. In this paper, two accelerating techniques to improve the eÆciency of reconstruction are presented. First, some pseudo elements are removed by depth and topology information as soon as the wire-frame is constructed, which reduces the searching space. Second, the proposed algorithm does not establish all possible surfaces in the process of generating 3D faces. The surfaces and edge loops are generated by using the relationship between the boundaries of 3D faces and their projections. This avoids the growth in combinational complexity of previous methods that have to check all possible pairs of 3D candidate edges.
engineering drawing, wire-frame, reconstruction
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  title={Two accelerating techniques for 3D reconstruction},
  author={Liu Shi-Xia, Shi-Min Hu, and Sun Jiaguang},
  booktitle={Journal of Computer Science and Technology},
Liu Shi-Xia, Shi-Min Hu, and Sun Jiaguang. Two accelerating techniques for 3D reconstruction. 2002. Vol. 17. In Journal of Computer Science and Technology. pp.362-368.
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