2D-3D Lifting for Shape Reconstruction

Liangliang Nan SIAT, China Andrei Sharf Ben Gurion University, Israel Baoquan Chen Shandong University, China

Geometric Modeling and Processing mathscidoc:1608.16110

Pacific Graphics / Computer Graphics Forum, 33, (7), 2014
We present an algorithm for shape reconstruction from incomplete 3D scans by fusing together two acquisition modes: 2D photographs and 3D scans. The two modes exhibit complementary characteristics: scans have depth information, but are often sparse and incomplete; photographs, on the other hand, are dense and have high resolution, but lack important depth information. In this work we fuse the two modes, taking advantage of their complementary information, to enhance 3D shape reconstruction from an incomplete scan with a 2D photograph. We compute geometrical and topological shape properties in 2D photographs and use them to reconstruct a shape from an incomplete 3D scan in a principled manner. Our key observation is that shape properties such as boundaries, smooth patches and local connectivity, can be inferred with high confidence from 2D photographs. Thus, we register the 3D scan with the 2D photograph and use scanned points as 3D depth cues for lifting 2D shape structures into 3D. Our contribution is an algorithm which significantly regularizes and enhances the problem of 3D reconstruction from partial scans by lifting 2D shape structures into 3D. We evaluate our algorithm on various shapes which are loosely scanned and photographed from different views, and compare them with state-of-the-art reconstruction methods.
point cloud, reconstruction, lifting
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  title={2D-3D Lifting for Shape Reconstruction},
  author={Liangliang Nan, Andrei Sharf, and Baoquan Chen},
  booktitle={Pacific Graphics / Computer Graphics Forum},
Liangliang Nan, Andrei Sharf, and Baoquan Chen. 2D-3D Lifting for Shape Reconstruction. 2014. Vol. 33. In Pacific Graphics / Computer Graphics Forum. http://archive.ymsc.tsinghua.edu.cn/pacm_paperurl/20160829141157068733537.
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