A unified field theory II: Gravity interacting with a Yang-Mills and Higgs field

Claus Gerhardt Ruprecht-Karls-Universität, Institut für Angewandte Mathematik

Mathematical Physics mathscidoc:1609.22009

We quantize the interaction of gravity with a Yang-Mills and Higgs field using canonical quantization. Similar to the approach in a previous paper we discard the Wheeler-DeWitt equation and express the Hamilton constraint by the evolution equation of the mean curvature of the hypersurfaces in the foliation defined by the Hamiltonian setting. Expressing the time derivative of the mean curvature with the help of the Poisson brackets the canonical quantization of this equation leads to a wave equation in $Q=(0,\infty)\times \so$, where $\so$ is one of the Cauchy hypersurfaces in the Hamiltonian setting. The wave equation describes the interaction of an arbitrary Riemannian metric in $\so$ and a given Yang-Mills and Higgs field. If the metric is complete $Q$ is globally hyperbolic. In case $\so$ is compact we also prove a spectral resolution of the wave equation and establish sufficient conditions guaranteeing a mass gap.
unified field theory, quantization of gravity, quantum gravity, Yang-Mills fields, mass gap
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  title={A unified field theory II: Gravity interacting with a Yang-Mills and Higgs field},
  author={Claus Gerhardt},
Claus Gerhardt. A unified field theory II: Gravity interacting with a Yang-Mills and Higgs field. 2016. http://archive.ymsc.tsinghua.edu.cn/pacm_paperurl/20160920000140436960021.
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