Characterizations of projective spaces and quadrics by strictly nef bundles

杨晓奎 Morningsider center of Mathematics, Institute of Mathematics, CAS Duo Li Yau Mathematics Science Center


In this paper, we show that if the tangent bundle of a smooth projective variety is strictly nef, then it is isomorphic to a projective space; if a projective variety $X^n$ $(n>4)$ has strictly nef $\Lambda^2 TX$, then it is isomorphic to $\P^n$ or quadric $\Q^n$. We also prove that on elliptic curves, strictly nef vector bundles are ample, whereas there exist Hermitian flat and strictly nef vector bundles on any smooth curve with genus $g\geq 2$.
strictly nef bundle, projective space, quadrics
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  title={Characterizations of projective spaces and quadrics by strictly nef bundles},
  author={杨晓奎, and Duo Li},
杨晓奎, and Duo Li. Characterizations of projective spaces and quadrics by strictly nef bundles.
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