Three-dimensional high order large-scale numerical investigation on the air explosion

Cheng Wang Beijing Institute of Technology JianXu Ding Beijing Institute of Technology Chi-Wang Shu Brown University Tao Li Beijing Institute of Technology

Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing mathscidoc:1610.25005

Computers and Fluids, 137, 70-79, 2016
Based on the double shockwave approximation procedure, a local Riemann solver for strongly nonlinear equations of state (EOS) such as the Jones-Wilkins-Lee (JWL) EOS is presented, which has suppressed successfully numerical oscillation caused by high-density ratio and high-pressure ratio across the interface between explosion products and air. The real ghost fluid method (RGFM) and the level set method have been used for converting multi-medium flows into pure flows and for implicitly tracking the interface, respectively. A fifth order finite difference weighted essentially non-oscillatory (WENO) scheme and a third order TVD Runge-Kutta method are utilized for the spatial discretization and the time advance, respectively. An enclosed-type MPI-based parallel methodology for the RGFM procedure on a uniform structured mesh is presented to realize the parallelization of three-dimensional {\color{red}(3D)} air explosion. The overall process of 3D air explosion of both TNT and aluminized explosives has been successfully simulated.
Air explosion, WENO scheme, RGFM, local Riemann solver, parallel computation
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  title={Three-dimensional high order large-scale numerical investigation on the air explosion},
  author={Cheng Wang, JianXu Ding, Chi-Wang Shu, and Tao Li},
  booktitle={Computers and Fluids},
Cheng Wang, JianXu Ding, Chi-Wang Shu, and Tao Li. Three-dimensional high order large-scale numerical investigation on the air explosion. 2016. Vol. 137. In Computers and Fluids. pp.70-79.
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