Anderson-Thakur polynomials and multizeta values in positive characteristic.

Huei-Jeng Chen Taida Institute for Mathematical Sciences

Number Theory mathscidoc:1610.24003

Multizeta values in positive characteristic were first introduced and studied by Thakur. He and Lara Rodr\'{\i}guez \cite{LRT} discovered and conjectured certain zeta-like families. Kuan, Lin and Yu stated more conjectures about zeta-like multizeta values in \cite{LK}. In the present paper we study and give the transparent formula for certain Anderson-Thakur polynomials. This enables us to confirm the conjectured zeta-like families.
multizeta values, Eulerian, zeta-like
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  title={Anderson-Thakur polynomials and multizeta values in positive characteristic.  },
  author={Huei-Jeng Chen},
Huei-Jeng Chen. Anderson-Thakur polynomials and multizeta values in positive characteristic. .
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