Baker-Schmidt theorem for Hausdorff dimensions in finite characteristic

Huei-Jeng Chen Taida Institute for Mathematical Sciences

Number Theory mathscidoc:1610.24005

In 1962 Sprind\v{z}uk proved Mahler's conjecture in both the real and complex cases. Baker gave a generalized result by using a modified version of Sprind\v{z}uk's method. Later, Baker and Schmidt derived the Hausdorff dimensions of sets which are defiend in terms of approximation by algebraic numbers of bounded degrees by using Baker's theorem. In this article we will prove two analogue theorems in the fields of formal power series over finite finite fields.
Hausdorff dimension, Diophantine approximation
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  title={Baker-Schmidt theorem for Hausdorff dimensions in finite characteristic},
  author={Huei-Jeng Chen},
Huei-Jeng Chen. Baker-Schmidt theorem for Hausdorff dimensions in finite characteristic.
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