A Local-Global Equality on Every Affine Variety Admitting Points in An Arbitrary Rank-One Subgroup of a Global Function Field

Chia-Liang Sun Academia Sinica, Taiwan

Number Theory mathscidoc:1610.24012

For every affine variety over a global function field, we show that the set of its points with coordinates in an arbitrary rank-one multiplicative subgroup of this function field is topologically dense in the set of its points with coordinates in the topological closure of this subgroup in the product of the multiplicative group of those local completions of this function field over all but finitely many places.
Local-Global Equality, Rank-One
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  title={A Local-Global Equality on Every Affine Variety Admitting Points in An Arbitrary Rank-One Subgroup of a Global Function Field},
  author={Chia-Liang Sun},
Chia-Liang Sun. A Local-Global Equality on Every Affine Variety Admitting Points in An Arbitrary Rank-One Subgroup of a Global Function Field. http://archive.ymsc.tsinghua.edu.cn/pacm_paperurl/20161030153727236081602.
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