A new example of a uniformly Levi degenerate hypersurface in$C$^{3}

Hervé Gaussier Centre de Mathématiques et Informatique, Université de Provence Joël Merker Centre de Mathématiques et Informatique, Université de Provence

TBD mathscidoc:1701.333107

Arkiv for Matematik, 45, (2), 269-271, 2006.10
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  title={A new example of a uniformly Levi degenerate hypersurface in$C$^{3}},
  author={Hervé Gaussier, and Joël Merker},
  booktitle={Arkiv for Matematik},
Hervé Gaussier, and Joël Merker. A new example of a uniformly Levi degenerate hypersurface in$C$^{3}. 2006. Vol. 45. In Arkiv for Matematik. pp.269-271. http://archive.ymsc.tsinghua.edu.cn/pacm_paperurl/20170108203620087352916.
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