Comments on the Necessity and Implications of State-Dependence in the Black Hole Interior

Kyriakos Papadodimas CERN, University of Groningen Suvrat Raju Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Harvard CMSA

Publications of CMSA of Harvard mathscidoc:1702.38038

We revisit the “state-dependence” of the map that we proposed recently between bulk operators in the interior of a large AdS black hole and operators in the boundary CFT. By refining recent versions of the information paradox, we show that this feature is necessary for the CFT to successfully describe local physics behind the horizon — not only for single-sided black holes but even in the eternal black hole. We show that state-dependence is invisible to an infalling observer who cannot differentiate these operators from those of ordinary quantum effective field theory. Therefore the infalling observer does not observe any violations of quantum mechanics. We successfully resolve a large class of potential ambiguities in our construction. We analyze states where the CFT is entangled with another system and show that the ER=EPR conjecture emerges from our construction in a natural and precise form. We comment on the possible semi-classical origins of state-dependence.
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  title={Comments on the Necessity and Implications of State-Dependence in the Black Hole Interior},
  author={Kyriakos Papadodimas, and Suvrat Raju},
Kyriakos Papadodimas, and Suvrat Raju. Comments on the Necessity and Implications of State-Dependence in the Black Hole Interior.
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