Argyres-Douglas Theories, Chiral Algebras and Wild Hitchin Characters

Laura Fredrickson Stanford University Du Pei California Institute of Technology, University of Aarhus Wenbin Yan Harvard University CMSA Ke Ye California Institute of Technology

Publications of CMSA of Harvard mathscidoc:1702.38065

We use Coulomb branch indices of Argyres-Douglas theories on S1×L(k,1) to quantize moduli spaces H of wild/irregular Hitchin systems. In particular, we obtain formulae for the "wild Hitchin characters" -- the graded dimensions of the Hilbert spaces from quantization -- for four infinite families of H, giving access to many interesting geometric and topological data of these moduli spaces. We observe that the wild Hitchin characters can always be written as a sum over fixed points in H under the U(1) Hitchin action, and a limit of them can be identified with matrix elements of the modular transform STkS in certain two-dimensional chiral algebras. Although naturally fitting into the geometric Langlands program, the appearance of chiral algebras, which was known previously to be associated with Schur operators but not Coulomb branch operators, is somewhat surprising.
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  title={Argyres-Douglas Theories, Chiral Algebras and Wild Hitchin Characters},
  author={Laura Fredrickson, Du Pei, Wenbin Yan, and Ke Ye},
Laura Fredrickson, Du Pei, Wenbin Yan, and Ke Ye. Argyres-Douglas Theories, Chiral Algebras and Wild Hitchin Characters.
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