M-strings in thermodynamic limit: Seiberg-Witten geometry

Babak Haghighat Harvard University Wenbin Yan Harvard University CMSA

Publications of CMSA of Harvard mathscidoc:1702.38068

We initiate the study of M-strings in the thermodynamic limit. In this limit the BPS partition function of M5 branes localizes on configurations with a large number of strings which leads to a reformulation of the partition function in terms of a matrix model. We solve this matrix model and obtain its spectral curve which can be interpreted as the Seiberg-Witten curve associated to the compactified M5 brane theory.
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  title={M-strings in thermodynamic limit: Seiberg-Witten geometry},
  author={Babak Haghighat, and Wenbin Yan},
Babak Haghighat, and Wenbin Yan. M-strings in thermodynamic limit: Seiberg-Witten geometry. http://archive.ymsc.tsinghua.edu.cn/pacm_paperurl/20170208002114980175295.
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