On the Vlasov-Maxwell System with a Strong Magnetic Field

Francis Filbet University of Toulouse III & IUF Tao Xiong Xiamen University Eric Sonnendr\"{u}ecker Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics & Mathematics Center

Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing mathscidoc:1702.25028

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Asymptotic limit, High order scheme, Vlasov-Maxwell system, Finite difference methods
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  title={On the Vlasov-Maxwell System with a Strong Magnetic Field},
  author={Francis Filbet, Tao Xiong, and Eric Sonnendr\"{u}ecker},
Francis Filbet, Tao Xiong, and Eric Sonnendr\"{u}ecker. On the Vlasov-Maxwell System with a Strong Magnetic Field. http://archive.ymsc.tsinghua.edu.cn/pacm_paperurl/20170208225446891815330.
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