On the representation types of category algebras of finite EI categories

Liping Li

Representation Theory Rings and Algebras mathscidoc:1702.30009

J. Algebra, 402, 178-218, 2014
A finite EI category is a small category with finitely many morphisms such that every endomorphism is an isomorphism. They include finite groups, finite posets and free categories of finite quivers as special cases. In this paper we consider the representation types of finite EI categories, describe some criteria for finite representation type, and use them to classify the representation types of several classes of finite EI categories with extra properties.
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  title={On the representation types of category algebras of finite EI categories},
  author={Liping Li},
  booktitle={J. Algebra},
Liping Li. On the representation types of category algebras of finite EI categories. 2014. Vol. 402. In J. Algebra. pp.178-218. http://archive.ymsc.tsinghua.edu.cn/pacm_paperurl/20170222103309155488489.
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