Comment on `Cosmological Topological Massive Gravitons and Photons'

Wei Li Harvard University Wei Song Harvard University Andrew Strominger Harvard University

Mathematical Physics mathscidoc:1702.22037

arXiv, 2008.5
In a recent paper (arXiv: ) it was shown that all global energy eigenstates of asymptotically $AdS_3$ chiral gravity have non-negative energy at the linearized level. This result was questioned (arXiv: ) by Carlip, Deser, Waldron and Wise (CDWW), who work on the Poincare patch. They exhibit a linearized solution of chiral gravity and claim that it has negative energy and is smooth at the boundary. We show that the solution of CDWW is smooth only on that part of the boundary of $AdS_3$ included in the Poincare patch. Extended to global $AdS_3$, it is divergent at the boundary point not included in the Poincare patch. Hence it is consistent with the results of (arXiv: 0801.4566).
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  title={Comment on `Cosmological Topological Massive Gravitons and Photons' },
  author={Wei Li, Wei Song, and Andrew Strominger},
Wei Li, Wei Song, and Andrew Strominger. Comment on `Cosmological Topological Massive Gravitons and Photons' . 2008. In arXiv.
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