Evolutions of the momentum density, deformation tensor and the nonlocal term of the Camassa-Holm equation

Wei-Wei Guo Ningxia Institute of Science and Technology Tai-Man Tang Xiangtan University

Analysis of PDEs mathscidoc:1703.03006

Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods and Applications, 88, 16-23, 2013
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  title={Evolutions of the momentum density, deformation tensor and the nonlocal term of the Camassa-Holm equation},
  author={Wei-Wei Guo, and Tai-Man Tang},
  booktitle={Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods and Applications},
Wei-Wei Guo, and Tai-Man Tang. Evolutions of the momentum density, deformation tensor and the nonlocal term of the Camassa-Holm equation. 2013. Vol. 88. In Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods and Applications. pp.16-23. http://archive.ymsc.tsinghua.edu.cn/pacm_paperurl/20170311114844472556654.
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