RankRev: a Matlab package for computing the numerical rank and updating/downdating

Tsung-Lin Lee National Sun Yat-sen University Tien-Yien Li Michigan State University Zhonggang Zeng Northeastern Illinois University

Numerical Linear Algebra mathscidoc:1704.26001

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numerical rank, updating, downdating, test suite, Matlab toolbox
[ Download ] [ 2017-04-23 03:16:57 uploaded by leetsung ] [ 3201 downloads ] [ 0 comments ]
  title={RankRev: a Matlab package for computing the numerical rank and updating/downdating},
  author={Tsung-Lin Lee, Tien-Yien Li, and Zhonggang Zeng},
Tsung-Lin Lee, Tien-Yien Li, and Zhonggang Zeng. RankRev: a Matlab package for computing the numerical rank and updating/downdating. 2017. http://archive.ymsc.tsinghua.edu.cn/pacm_paperurl/20170423031657506383743.
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