Torus localization and wall crossing for cosection localized virtual cycles

Huai-Liang Chang Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Young-Hoon Kiem Seoul National University Jun Li Stanford Unversity

Algebraic Geometry mathscidoc:1707.43002

Distinguished Paper Award in 2017

Advances in Mathematics, 308, 964-986, 2017
The theory of virtual fundamental class defines important invariants such as the Gromov–Witten and the Donaldson– Thomas invariants. It has been generalized to the cosection localized virtual cycle which has applications in Seiberg– Witten, Fan–Jarvis–Ruan–Witten and other invariants. In this paper, we prove the formulas of virtual pullback, torus localization and wall crossing for cosection localized virtual cycles.
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  title={Torus localization and wall crossing for cosection localized virtual cycles},
  author={Huai-Liang Chang, Young-Hoon Kiem, and Jun Li},
  booktitle={Advances in Mathematics},
Huai-Liang Chang, Young-Hoon Kiem, and Jun Li. Torus localization and wall crossing for cosection localized virtual cycles. 2017. Vol. 308. In Advances in Mathematics. pp.964-986.
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