The quantization of a Kerr-AdS black hole

Claus Gerhardt Ruprecht-Karls-Universität, Institut für Angewandte Mathematik

Mathematical Physics mathscidoc:1708.22001

Advances in Mathematical Physics, 2018, (2018), 4328312, 2018
We apply our model of quantum gravity to a Kerr-AdS spacetime of dimension $2 m+1$, $m\ge2$, where all rotational parameters are equal, resulting in a wave equation in a quantum spacetime which has a sequence of solutions that can be expressed as a product of stationary and temporal eigenfunctions. The stationary eigenfunctions can be interpreted as radiation and the temporal as gravitational waves. The event horizon corresponds in the quantum model to a Cauchy hypersurface that can be crossed by causal curves in both directions such that the information paradox does not occur. We also prove that the Kerr-AdS spacetime can be maximally extended by replacing in a generalized Boyer-Lindquist coordinate system the $r$ variable by $\rho=r^2$ such that the extended spacetime has a timelike curvature singularity in $\rho=-a^2$.
quantization of gravity, quantum gravity, rotating black hole, information paradox, Kerr-AdS spacetime, event horizon, timelike curvature singularity, quantization of a black hole, gravitational wave, radiation
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  title={The quantization of a Kerr-AdS black hole},
  author={Claus Gerhardt},
  booktitle={Advances in Mathematical Physics},
Claus Gerhardt. The quantization of a Kerr-AdS black hole. 2018. Vol. 2018. In Advances in Mathematical Physics. pp.4328312.
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