A study of geometry lecturing tool based on GeoGebra automatic plotting

He Wanrong Tsinghua High School

S.-T. Yau High School Science Awarded Papers mathscidoc:1801.35011

Yau Science Award (Math), 2017.12
In view of such problems as lacking interaction between figures and text and difficulty in simultaneous positioning of explanation with figures in chinese geometry exercise solution, a Win32 C++ voice lecturing tool integrated with HTML5 dynamic geometry software is designed to realize free control of lecturing progress, random skipping through double-click, simultaneous interaction and highlighting of figure and text, and automatic synchronized reading. On the basis of JavaScript regular expression, the semantic comprehension of geometry exercise text is realized and the production rule set of automatic plotting is designed. During voice synthesising line by line, the mathematic language undergoes normalization processing and figure highlighting information extraction. The study can shed some light on the GeoGebra integrated development and semantic comprehension-based automatic plotting application, and it can be applied to innovative geometry teaching and knowledge base structuring fields.
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  title={A study of geometry lecturing tool based on GeoGebra automatic plotting},
  author={He Wanrong},
  booktitle={Yau Science Award (Math)},
He Wanrong. A study of geometry lecturing tool based on GeoGebra automatic plotting. 2017. In Yau Science Award (Math). http://archive.ymsc.tsinghua.edu.cn/pacm_paperurl/20180113195258821017884.
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