Clothing Aesthetics Modeling Based on Deep Learning

Louisa Shi The High School Attached to Tsinghua University

S.-T. Yau High School Science Awarded Papers mathscidoc:1801.35020

Yau Science Award ( Computer Science), 2017.12
Clothing is one of the symbol of modern fashion trends, research concerning clothing detail’s recognition still remains a hot topic in the field of computer. Existing research is mainly focused on relating clothing detail features and aesthetic styles, realizing the possibilities of auto clothing aesthetic appreciation. In this paper, based on existing data sets, we will introduce the ideology of Deep Learning into the association model between clothing visual features to improve the model’s effectiveness and accuracy. By calculating the distance between aesthetic words and seed words, we are able to map the most often used aesthetic words in a two-dimensional space, building a fashion semantic space. Later, we introduce the ideology of Deep Learning into the association model between clothing detail features, and designed experiments to prove the effectiveness of the model. In the research, we discussed how different parameters and structures in Deep Learning effect the outcome of the relating model, and by comparison we choose the best parameters of the model. Based on the work mentioned above, we analyze different styles of different categories’ clothing in shopping websites, which further confirms the effectiveness of our model.
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  title={Clothing Aesthetics Modeling Based on Deep Learning},
  author={Louisa Shi},
  booktitle={Yau Science Award ( Computer Science)},
Louisa Shi. Clothing Aesthetics Modeling Based on Deep Learning. 2017. In Yau Science Award ( Computer Science).
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