Accurate Solution and Gradient Computation for Elliptic Interface Problems with Variable Coefficients

Zhilin Li North Carolina State University Haifeng Ji Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunication Xiaohong Chen North Carolina State University

Analysis of PDEs Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing mathscidoc:1804.03006

SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, 55, (2), 570–597, 2017.3
A new augmented method is proposed for elliptic interface problems with a piecewise variable coefficient that has a finite jump across a smooth interface. The main motivation is to get not only a second order accurate solution but also a second order accurate gradient from each side of the interface. Key to the new method is introducing the jump in the normal derivative of the solution as an augmented variable and rewriting the interface problem as a new PDE that consists of a leading Laplacian operator plus lower order derivative terms near the interface. In this way, the leading second order derivative jump relations are independent of the jump in the coefficient that appears only in the lower order terms after the scaling. An upwind type discretization is used for the finite difference discretization at the irregular grid points on or near the interface so that the resulting coefficient matrix is an M-matrix. A multigrid solver is used to solve the linear system of equations, and the GMRES iterative method is used to solve the augmented variable. Second order convergence for the solution and the gradient from each side of the interface is proved in this paper. Numerical examples for general elliptic interface problems confirm the theoretical analysis and efficiency of the new method.
elliptic interface, accurate gradient computation, variable coefficient with discontinuity, interface, M-matrix, convergence proof, discrete Green function
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  title={Accurate Solution and Gradient Computation for Elliptic Interface Problems with Variable Coefficients},
  author={Zhilin Li, Haifeng Ji, and Xiaohong Chen},
  booktitle={SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis},
Zhilin Li, Haifeng Ji, and Xiaohong Chen. Accurate Solution and Gradient Computation for Elliptic Interface Problems with Variable Coefficients. 2017. Vol. 55. In SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis. pp.570–597.
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