Genus periods, genus points and congruent number problem

Ye Tian Morningside center of Mathematics, Chinese Academy of Sciences Xinyi Yuan University of California, Berkeley Shou-Wu Zhang Princeton University

Number Theory mathscidoc:1808.07018

Asian Journal of Mathematics, 21, (4), 721-774, 2017
In this paper, based on an idea of Tian we establish a new sufficient condition for a positive integer n to be a congruent number in terms of the Legendre symbols for the prime factors of n. Our criterion generalizes previous results of Heegner, Birch–Stephens, Monsky, and Tian, and conjecturally provides a list of positive density of congruent numbers. Our method of proving the criterion is to give formulae for the analytic Tate–Shafarevich number $\mathcal{L}(n)$ in terms of the so-called genus periods and genus points. These formulae are derived from the Waldspurger formula and the generalized Gross–Zagier formula of Yuan–Zhang–Zhang.
Genus periods, genus points, congruent number problem
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  title={Genus periods, genus points and congruent number problem},
  author={Ye Tian, Xinyi Yuan, and Shou-Wu Zhang},
  booktitle={Asian Journal of Mathematics},
Ye Tian, Xinyi Yuan, and Shou-Wu Zhang. Genus periods, genus points and congruent number problem. 2017. Vol. 21. In Asian Journal of Mathematics. pp.721-774.
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