Qualitative analysis for an elliptic system in the punctured space

Hui Yang Tsinghua University Wenming Zou Tsinghua University

Analysis of PDEs mathscidoc:1901.03003

In this paper, we investigate the qualitative properties of positive solutions for a two-coupled elliptic system in the punctured space. We establish a monotonicity formula that completely characterizes the singularity of positive solutions. We prove a sharp global estimate for both components of positive solutions. We also prove the nonexistence of positive semi-singular solutions, which means that one component is bounded near the singularity and the other component is unbounded near the singularity.
Elliptic system, isolated singularity, semi-singular solutions, asymptotic behavior.
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  title={Qualitative analysis for an elliptic system in the punctured space},
  author={Hui Yang, and Wenming Zou},
Hui Yang, and Wenming Zou. Qualitative analysis for an elliptic system in the punctured space. http://archive.ymsc.tsinghua.edu.cn/pacm_paperurl/20190109084549359150186.
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