The rigidity theorems for Lagrangian self shrinkers

Qi Ding Fudan University Yuanlong Xin Fudan University

Differential Geometry mathscidoc:1901.10002

J. Reine. Angew. Math., 692, 109-123, 2014
By the integral method, we prove that any space-like entire graphic self-shrinking solution to Lagrangian mean curvature flow in $\mathbb{R}^{2n}_{n}$ with the indefinite metric $\sum_i dx_idy_i$ is flat. This result improves the previous ones in [9] and [1] by removing the additional assumption in their results. In a similar manner, we reprove its Euclidean counterpart which is established in [1].
Lagrangian self shrinkers, the quadratic polynomial
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  title={The rigidity theorems for Lagrangian self shrinkers},
  author={Qi Ding, and Yuanlong Xin},
  booktitle={J. Reine. Angew. Math.},
Qi Ding, and Yuanlong Xin. The rigidity theorems for Lagrangian self shrinkers. 2014. Vol. 692. In J. Reine. Angew. Math.. pp.109-123.
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