Virus Database and Online Inquiry System Based on Natural Vectors

Rui Dong Tsinghua University Hui Zheng The University of Illinois at Chicago Kun Tian Tsinghua University Shek-Chung Yau The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Weiguang Mao Tsinghua University Wenping Yu Nankai University Changchuan Yin The University of Illinois at Chicago Chenglong Yu South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute Rong Lucy He Chicago State University Jie Yang The University of Illinois at Chicago Stephen S.-T Yau Tsinghua University

Data Analysis, Bio-Statistics, Bio-Mathematics mathscidoc:1903.42004

Evolutionary Bioinformatics, 13, 1-7, 2017.10
We construct a virus database called VirusDB ( and an online inquiry system to serve people who are interested in viral classification and prediction. The database stores all viral genomes, their corresponding natural vectors, and the classification information of the single/multiple-segmented viral reference sequences downloaded from National Center for Biotechnology Information. The online inquiry system serves the purpose of computing natural vectors and their distances based on submitted genomes, providing an online interface for accessing and using the database for viral classification and prediction, and back-end processes for automatic and manual updating of database content to synchronize with GenBank. Submitted genomes data in FASTA format will be carried out and the prediction results with 5 closest neighbors and their classifications will be returned by email. Considering the one-to-one correspondence between sequence and natural vector, time efficiency, and high accuracy, natural vector is a significant advance compared with alignment methods, which makes VirusDB a useful database in further research.
virus, database, natural vector, genome sequences, classification
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  title={Virus Database and Online Inquiry System Based on Natural Vectors},
  author={Rui Dong, Hui Zheng, Kun Tian, Shek-Chung Yau, Weiguang Mao, Wenping Yu, Changchuan Yin, Chenglong Yu, Rong Lucy He, Jie Yang, and Stephen S.-T Yau},
  booktitle={Evolutionary Bioinformatics},
Rui Dong, Hui Zheng, Kun Tian, Shek-Chung Yau, Weiguang Mao, Wenping Yu, Changchuan Yin, Chenglong Yu, Rong Lucy He, Jie Yang, and Stephen S.-T Yau. Virus Database and Online Inquiry System Based on Natural Vectors. 2017. Vol. 13. In Evolutionary Bioinformatics. pp.1-7.
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