On tensor products decomposition of positive representations of Uqq~(sl(2,R))

Ivan Chi-Ho Ip HKUST

Quantum Algebra mathscidoc:1909.43017

Preprint, 2015
We study the tensor product decomposition of the split real quantum group Uqq~(sl(2,R)) from the perspective of finite dimensional representation theory of compact quantum groups. It is known that the class of positive representations of Uqq~(sl(2,R)) is closed under taking tensor product. In this paper, we show that one can derive the corresponding Hilbert space decomposition, given explicitly by quantum dilogarithm transformations, from the Clebsch-Gordan coefficients of the tensor product decomposition of finite dimensional representations of the compact quantum group Uq(sl2) by solving certain functional equations and using normalization arising from tensor products of canonical basis. We propose a general strategy to deal with the tensor product decomposition for the higher rank split real quantum group Uqq~(gR)
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  title={On tensor products decomposition of positive representations of Uqq~(sl(2,R))},
  author={Ivan Chi-Ho Ip},
Ivan Chi-Ho Ip. On tensor products decomposition of positive representations of Uqq~(sl(2,R)). 2015. In Preprint. http://archive.ymsc.tsinghua.edu.cn/pacm_paperurl/20190923153150333441508.
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