N=2 super-Teichmuller theory

Ivan Chi-Ho Ip HKUST

Mathematical Physics mathscidoc:1909.43020

Advances in Mathematics, 336, 2018
Based on earlier work of the latter two named authors on the higher super-Teichmueller space with N=1, a component of the flat OSp(1\2) connections on a punctured surface, here we extend to the case N=2 of flat OSp(2\2) connections. Indeed, we construct here coordinates on the higher super-Teichmueller space of a surface F with at least one puncture associated to the supergroup OSp(2\2), which in particular specializes to give another treatment for N=1 simpler than the earlier work. The Minkowski space in the current case, where the corresponding super Fuchsian groups act, is replaced by the superspace R2,2\4, and the familiar lambda lengths are extended by odd invariants of triples of special isotropic vectors in R2,2\4 as well as extra bosonic parameters, which we call ratios, defining a flat R+-connection on F. As in the pure bosonic or N=1 cases, we derive the analogue of Ptolemy transformations for all these new variables.
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  title={N=2 super-Teichmuller theory},
  author={Ivan Chi-Ho Ip},
  booktitle={Advances in Mathematics},
Ivan Chi-Ho Ip. N=2 super-Teichmuller theory. 2018. Vol. 336. In Advances in Mathematics. http://archive.ymsc.tsinghua.edu.cn/pacm_paperurl/20190923154949603715511.
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