Sufficient conditions for the anti-Zeno effect

Pavel Exner

TBD mathscidoc:1910.43151

Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General, 38, (24), L449, 2005.6
The ideal anti-Zeno effect means that a perpetual observation leads to an immediate disappearance of the unstable system. We present a straightforward way to derive sufficient conditions under which such a situation occurs expressed in terms of the decaying states and spectral properties of the Hamiltonian. They show, in particular, that the gap between Zeno and anti-Zeno effects is in fact very narrow.
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  title={Sufficient conditions for the anti-Zeno effect},
  author={Pavel Exner},
  booktitle={Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General},
Pavel Exner. Sufficient conditions for the anti-Zeno effect. 2005. Vol. 38. In Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General. pp.L449.
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