Matrix canonical realizations of the Lie algebra o(m, n). I. Basic formul and classification

M Havlek Pavel Exner

TBD mathscidoc:1910.43152

Annales de l'IHP Physique thorique, 23, (4), 335-347, 1975
The concept of matrix canonical realization of a Lie algebra is introduced. The generators of the Lie algebra of the pseudoorthogonal group n) are recurrently expressed in terms of matrices with polyno-mial elements in a certain number of quantum-mechanical canonical variables p~, qi and they depend on a certain number of free real para-meters. The realizations are, in the well-defined sense, skew-hermitean and Casimir operators are multiples of the identity element. Part of them are usual canonical realizations.
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  title={Matrix canonical realizations of the Lie algebra o(m, n). I. Basic formul and classification},
  author={M Havlek, and Pavel Exner},
  booktitle={Annales de l'IHP Physique thorique},
M Havlek, and Pavel Exner. Matrix canonical realizations of the Lie algebra o(m, n). I. Basic formul and classification. 1975. Vol. 23. In Annales de l'IHP Physique thorique. pp.335-347.
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