Dynamics of an electron confined to a hybrid plane and interacting with a magnetic field

Raffaele Carlone Pavel Exner

TBD mathscidoc:1910.43182

Reports on Mathematical Physics, 67, (2), 211-227, 2011.4
We discuss spectral and resonance properties of a Hamiltonian describing motion of an electron moving on a hybrid surface consisting on a halfline attached by its endpoint to a plane under influence of a constant magnetic field which interacts with its spin through a Rashba-type term.
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  title={Dynamics of an electron confined to a hybrid plane and interacting with a magnetic field},
  author={Raffaele Carlone, and Pavel Exner},
  booktitle={Reports on Mathematical Physics},
Raffaele Carlone, and Pavel Exner. Dynamics of an electron confined to a hybrid plane and interacting with a magnetic field. 2011. Vol. 67. In Reports on Mathematical Physics. pp.211-227. http://archive.ymsc.tsinghua.edu.cn/pacm_paperurl/20191020132545948647711.
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