Remark on the decay of a mixed state

Pavel Exner

TBD mathscidoc:1910.43213

Czechoslovak Journal of Physics B, 26, (9), 976-982, 1976.9
The initial decay rate of a mixed state is discussed; is shown to be zero for finite energy states. In the previous paper [1] we investigated a general scheme for description of unstable systems. One of our results concerned the initial decay rate. Generalizing the earlier results of Horwitz and Marchand (see [2] and other references contained in [1]) we proved there, that the initial decay rate of any pure state of the unstable system equals to zero, if this state is so called finite energy state. Here we shall be interested in the same problem, assuming now the state of the decaying system to be in general mixed. Such assumption seems to be reasonable: firstly, from the point of view of an experiment it is too restrictive to treat only pure states of unstable systems. In particular, mixed states are generally considered in the recent studies about the influence of measuring devices on the time evolution of the unstable system [3
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  title={Remark on the decay of a mixed state},
  author={Pavel Exner},
  booktitle={Czechoslovak Journal of Physics B},
Pavel Exner. Remark on the decay of a mixed state. 1976. Vol. 26. In Czechoslovak Journal of Physics B. pp.976-982.
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